
Brute Force Lions

6th place

1024 points



Challenge Category Value Time
[M] Storage Artificial Intelligence 20
[M] Enhanced Artificial Intelligence 20
[M] Brain Artificial Intelligence 10
[E] How Artificial Intelligence 20
[E] Human Supervision Artificial Intelligence 20
[M] Technique Artificial Intelligence 10
[E] Profile Artificial Intelligence 10
[E] Core Artificial Intelligence 10
[E] Risk Management Artificial Intelligence 10
[E] Holding Register 2 Baggage Handling 10
[E] Uses Baggage Handling 10
[E] Attacking the Application Part 1 Restore FIDS 10
[M] Enumerating the FIDS Part 5 Restore FIDS 25
[E] Enumerating the FIDS Part 4 Restore FIDS 10
[E] Enumerating the FIDS Part 3 Restore FIDS 10
[E] Enumerating the FIDS Part 2 Restore FIDS 10
[E] Enumerating the FIDS Part 1 Restore FIDS 10
[E] Drone Operation Remote ID 10
[E] FRIA Remote ID 10
[E] Method Remote ID 10
[E] Same Info Remote ID 5
[E] Broadcast Remote ID 5
[E] Accountability Artificial Intelligence 10
[E] Per Second ADS-B 10
[E] How Long? ADS-B 10
[E] Five Bits ADS-B 10
[E] Double Frequency ADS-B 10
[E] Transmission ADS-B 10
Info Become an Air Traffic Controller! 1